It's Holy Week, when we celebrate the events at the heart of our faith: the death and resurrection of Jesus.
This year, for the first time since 2019, we can celebrate Holy Week without restricted attendance, so all are welcome to come without booking. Join us for the celebrations at the following times:
Maundy Thursday
Mass of the Lord's Supper, 7pm
followed by watching at the Altar of Repose until Midnight (with Compline - Night Prayer - at 11:50pm)
Good Friday
Stations of the Cross 10am
Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion 3pm
Holy Saturday
Paschal Vigil and first Mass of Easter, 8:30pm
Easter Sunday
Mass at 9:30am. Please note: no evening Mass on Easter Sunday
Easter Octave
Mass will be at 10am on Easter Monday, then the usual weekday times for the rest of the week.