On Friday evening one of our parishioners, Sue Lawrenson, made her first vows as a member of the Company of St Ursula.
The company was founded by St Angela Merici in 1535 as a way of women devoting themselves to God through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience, but in the world - without entering religious life. There was a beautiful celebration of Mass, during which Sue made her commitment, and afterwards signed a copy of the vows she had made. The Mass was celebrated by Canon Luiz Ruscillo, who works with the Company in the north of England, and we were delighted to welcome representatives and members of the Company, as well as Sue's family and friends. This first consecration calls Sue to live by her vows initially for two years, before a further commitment is made, God willing! Please remember Sue and all the members of the Company, and the Ursuline order, in your prayers.