SAM 7317

The annual 40 Hours adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - one of the high points of parish life - is underway at St Clare's.

Over four days we adore Jesus, truly present in the form of the Bread which is His Body. Here we can pour out our hearts before Him, telling Him all that matters to us and recognising that He is with us in the ups and downs of life. Over these days we ask for the grace to better appreciate and love the Eucharist, which is the Lord's greatest gift to us, since it is the gift of Himself. Most of the these 40 Hours are reserved for silent prayer before the Lord, but at certain times there are also public devotions, liturgy and prayers:

Thursday – Blessed Sacrament exposed 9:45am-9pm
9:15am Mass (Votive Mass of the Eucharist)
10am-10:30am – School visits
12noon Rosary (mysteries of light)
8pm Holy Hour (led by members of the NeoCatechumenal Way)

Friday – Blessed Sacrament exposed 7am-8pm, except during Mass
7:45am Morning Prayer
9-10am Mums and Toddlers (all welcome, but there may be some noise!)
11:30am Rosary (sorrowful mysteries)
12noon Mass (for peace)
7pm Holy Hour – for vocations

Saturday – Blessed Sacrament exposed 10:30am-6pm
10am Mass (Votive Mass of Our Lady)
10:30am Rosary (joyful mysteries)
11am-12noon Confessions available
3pm Holy Hour – prayer for those in need
6pm First Mass of Sunday
7pm Mass with the NeoCatechumenal Way

Sunday – Blessed Sacrament exposed 10:30am-6pm, 7-9pm
9:30am Sunday Mass
11am Rosary (glorious mysteries)
3pm Holy Hour – prayer for the parish
3:40pm Sung Vespers and Benediction
6pm Sunday Mass
8:15pm Anointed Youth Group – praise and worship
9pm Blessed Sacrament reposed

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to be close to Jesus - come and join us for prayer. Come to one of the Holy Hours or devotions, or just spend some time - even just a few minutes - in silence before the Lord. It's always worth making the effort - this is a real time of grace for each of us, and for our parish as a whole.