There will be Mass with distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday at 9:15am and 7pm. During Lent, we are called to engage in works of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Here are some things that you can try in the parish and at home during these 40 days:

Prayer: make a little extra time of prayer each day, either at home or in church. You could come to Mass one day during the week in addition to Sunday; or join us for morning prayer (Monday-Friday 7:45am); why not pray the Stations of the Cross with us on Sundays at 3pm, or come to the special version for persecuted Christians on 16th March at 7pm?  As well as prayer, why not try some spiritual reading? We have booklets and leaflets from the Catholic Truth Society (CTS) on sale in the narthex, and we are launching our CTS book club on 11th March.

Fasting: eat a bit less, give up some form of food or some other luxury (TV, internet...) - anything which helps us to create a little more space for God, and helps us to learn to say 'no' from time to time! On Fridays during Lent we have our Lenten lunches - forego your normal meal for a simple bowl of soup and piece of bread. Takes place on Fridays after 12noon Mass. Please keep an eye on the parish newsletter for occasional changes to this pattern.

Almsgiving:  Give a little extra money to charity - you could use the wallboxes in the narthex to donate to the homeless or to the poor (St Anthony's bread). Take part in fundraising events in the parish for Aid to the Church in Need, or the CAFOD family fast day on 23rd February. Or, instead of giving money, you could find a little extra time to spend with someone who is lonely or in need of help. Anything that we do to help others is an act of almsgiving. Don't miss those opportunities during Lent!