Parish Mission
As part of the Parish's 40th Anniversary the Sion Community ( ran a Parish Mission in May 2010 (7th -22nd).
This section of the website provides an account of the 2 weeks of the Parish Mission. Many thanks to the Sion Community for all their hard work.
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- Written by: Super User
- Hits: 2984
The title (A Post-Mission 'Do') may be slightly inaccurate as the 'do' in question was held on Saturday night and the Mission ended after the Sunday morning Mass. But call it what you will, it was a genuine celebration of the spirit of the Parish Mission lead by the Sion Community.
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- Written by: Super User
- Hits: 2759
The theme of our Celebration tonight was Mission. The gospel passage read for us was from Matthew 28 verses 16 – 20. Jesus told his apostles ‘Go therefore, make disciples of all the nations and know that I am with you always’.
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- Written by: Super User
- Hits: 2952
The Thursday night of our Parish Mission was given over to the theme of the Holy Spirit and culminated with those who wished to do so, coming forward and being prayed with for a new out pouring of the Holy Spirit. It seemed that most of those present stepped forward to ask for the fulfilment of the promise in the scripture: This Promise is for you.
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- Written by: Super User
- Hits: 2883
Our parish mission continues and tonight's service took the theme of the "Eucharist". On arrival we were given a piece of scripture, ‘He who comes to me will never be hungry’ (Jn 6:35). The piece of scripture served to remind us that the "Eucharist" is a central part of our faith and essential nourishment for our spiritual wellbeing.
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- Written by: Super User
- Hits: 2901
The accompanying pictures may not mean much if you were not at the Family Celebration on the Monday night of our Parish Mission. The Family Celebration was put at the top of the Mission to show the importance that we place on the family, 'we' being the Church.