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- Written by: Super User
- Hits: 2920
The Walk resumed at White Horse Bridge and continued north to Bilsborrow, passing ‘Owd Nells’ on the way. From here the vista opened out to a splendid view of the Bleasdale Fell.
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- Written by: Super User
- Hits: 3223
The first day of the End2End Sponsored Walk for the parish's Hodovo Project, along the Lancaster Canal, got off to a good start at 9:30am on Friday 27th May.
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- Written by: Super User
- Hits: 3824
The refugee settlement that the Parish supports in Bosnia Herzegovina was once again the centre of a fund raising activity.
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- Written by: Eileen Cywinski
- Hits: 4033
For the last three years St. Clare’s Catholic Primary School has won the Preston Soroptimists’ Guild Shield for their involvement in projects in the community and the environment. In 2008 and 2009 the school liaised with a school in the Gambia. Through various fundraising activities and collections we were able to donate a range of football kits to children and young adults. These young people in the Gambia greatly benefited from the support of the parents, children and staff of St. Clare’s. The willingness and desire to help others continued in 2010 as the School became involved in the Hodovo Project.
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- Written by: Super User
- Hits: 3572
Almost the worst night you could imagine for a Firework display and party; heavy rain and strong winds but did it stop parishioners and friends in their droves from attending? It did not!